Gıda Sektörü'nde yemek üretimi konusunda faaliyet gösteren şirketimiz, mevcut ve olabilecek müşteri isteklerini geleneksel lezzetlerimizle karşılamak,

İnsan sağlığına verdiğimiz önem doğrultusunda çalışma ortamlarımızda gerekli hijyen şartlarını sağlayarak, çalışanlarımızın güvenliğini sağlayarak, çevreyi koruyarak, çalışanlarımızın bilincini bu doğrultuda sürekli artırmak,

Müşteri beklentilerini tecrübemizle harmanlayarak geliştireceğimiz ürün çeşitleri ile yemek listelerimizi zenginleştirmek,

Bir marka olma yolunda; gelişen teknoloji ve teknikleri takip ederek ürün ve hizmetlerimizi sürekli iyileştirmek,

Kalite, gıda güvenliği , çevre ve isg yönetim sistem şartları karşılanarak, sürekli gelişimlerini sağlayarak. temizlik ve hijyen kurallarına uyarak, sağlık ve güvenlik performansını geliştirerek, çevre kirlenmelerinin önlenmesi için gerekli tedbirleri alarak, yasal zorunluluklara ve sektörümüzle ilgili diğer şartlara uymak,

Sektörümüzde; prensip edindiğimiz gıda güvenliği yaklaşımımız ile örnek, giderek artan üretimimiz ile lider olmaktır.

Our Policy

In our company which plays an active role in food production in the food sector, to meet the current and possible customer expectations with our service consciousness after our experience,

To create our company standard by reflecting our traditional tastes to our product portfolio,

To provide healthy and high quality products to our customers by providing the production, storage, transportation and service of the products in hygienic conditions suitable for microbiological, physical and chemical specifications in line with our importance to human health,

In every step of our qualified and safety product process, by ensuring occupational health and safety, protecting the environment, and continuously increasing our employees ' awareness in this direction,

Quality with qualified people, with the idea that we can continue to provide qualified people with appropriate working conditions and trainings to ensure their development, provide appropriate working conditions for employees,

On the way to becoming a brand; continuously improving our products and services by following developing technologies and techniques,

To meet the requirements of Quality, Food Safety, Environment and ISG Management System and to ensure their continuous development,

Within the framework of legal requirements and the conditions required by the sector, comply with the rules of cleanliness and hygiene, prevent the health-threatening elements, prevent environmental pollution and take the necessary measures to reduce the use of resources,

In our industry; Our aim is to be a leader with our food safety approach and our service consciousness and become a leader with our increasing production.

Our main objective is to ensure customer satisfaction by ensuring that the demands and dissatisfactions of our customers are easily communicated to us in the catering sector where we serve, and to evaluate the messages objectively and carefully without violating the legal requirements and corporate policy. A customer oriented approach is undertaken by all senior managers and employees in order to prevent the recurrence of dissatisfaction; planning, implementation and control processes are performed continuously; and transparency in relations with the customer is taken into consideration.

General Manager